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Jacob and Christine Brodbeck Foundation

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About Us

Ensuring the Brodbeck Legacy Lives On

The Jacob and Christine Brodbeck Foundation has been formed to ensure the maintenance, upkeep and improvements of the Brodbeck Family Cemetery in Luckenbach, Texas and to educate the public about the achievements
of Jacob Brodbeck.  
The Brodbeck Family Cemetery is designated as a
Historic Texas Cemetery.
Jacob Brodbeck is designated as a Texas Historic Person.

This foundation has a 501(c)(13) designation from the IRS.

Within this cemetery, these family members rest eternal:

Jacob Brodbeck (1821-1910)

Maria Christine Sophie (Behrens) Brodbeck (1844-1926)

Johann George Brodbeck (1826-1897)

Pauline Anna Brodbeck (1869-1870)

Albert Brodbeck (c.1871Stillborn)

Agnes Louise Brodbeck (1899-1899),

daughter of Henry & Anna (Sauer) Brodbeck

Cemetery marker.jpg
Leaf Pattern Design


Plans are underway for the 

91st Annual Brodbeck Family Reunion

for the descendants of

Jacob & Christine Brodbeck

Date: July 26th, 2025

Venue: Blanco County Exhibit Hall

At the Fair Grounds

619 US HWY 281

Johnson City, Texas 78636

10:30am - Meal @ 11:30am

BBQ will be provided

by the Reunion Committee

Please bring a side or dessert!

Auction items are welcome.

Note: Funds raised go towards the upkeep and maintenance

of the Brodbeck Family Cemetery

We plan on having Cornhole competitions and Bingo.

Come early and stay late!

All relatives are invited to attend!

Please notify anyone that might not be on our list!

APRIL 5TH, 2025

9:00 AM
We are making arrangements for some repairs and improvements to the bridge spanning the creek leading to the Brodbeck Cemetery.
We would like to raise funds to replace the boards.
For more information, please email the board at:



For descendants of
Jacob & Christine Brodbeck
February 7, 2026
at: TBD

11:00 am to 2:00 pm

*NOTE* - 
 Old & New business will addressed, action items assigned, and the next annual meeting will be scheduled.


The bust of Jacob Brodbeck at the Marktplatz in Fredericksburg, Texas

Dedicated December 14, 1986

Marker dedication of Jacob Brodbeck, at the entrance of the Brodbeck Family Cemetery. 

April 18, 2018

September 21, 2024 Jacob Brodbeck Day

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Brodbeck Descendants in front of the aircraft that performed the flyover in honor of Jacob Brodbeck, Aviation Pioneer and First in Flight!

Jacob Brodbeck Day September 21, 2024 Gillespie County Airport FBG


First flights in honor of the First Flight!
The youngest Brodbeck descendant went for a ride!

Special thanks to Gwen Fullbrook of Crosswind Aviation School and
Tony Lombardi, Airport manager,
for being such awesome hosts!

Jacob Brodbeck Day
September 20, 2023


The Gillespie County Airport celebrated Jacob Brodbeck Day with cake and raspberry lemonade.  The descendants of Jacob Brodbeck were invited to set up an information booth in the terminal building.  Though the visitors were few and far between, many good conversations were had between the family and visitors!  We have been invited back for next year.  See you then!

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Jacob Brodbeck Day September 20, 2022

On September 19, 2022, Mayor of Fredericksburg Jeryl Hoover proclaimed September 20th as Jacob Brodbeck Day.  In attendance were many of the descendants of Jacob & Christine Brodbeck. L to R: Carolyn Lawler, Mayor Hoover, Lisa Nevins, Jane Stone, Blair Nevins, Marshall Stone, Gwen Fullbrook (Crosswinds Aviation) Krystal Patel, Cindy Nelson, Anna Lake, Reta Killingsworth, Vernon Brodbeck, Dorothy Brodbeck, & Rick Brodbeck.

75th Anniversary
of the
Gillespie County Airport
  May 20, 2023

The descendants of Jacob & Christine Brodbeck

were invited to set up a information booth at the

75th Anniversary Celebration of the Gillespie County Airport.  Reta Killingsworth, a descendant, was

interviewed on the local radio station, KNAF, answering many questions and clearing up any misconceptions. 

Small information cards about Jacob Brodbeck and

airplane kits were passed out to all.

175th Anniversary PARADE
Saturday, MAY 7, 2022

Members of the Brodbeck Family participated in this parade with Todd Brodbeck driving his decorated 1902 Oldsmobile along the parade route as family members walked along and passed out toy airplanes with information about Jacob's flight.

It was a fun day!
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Brick Project

The purchase of memorial bricks is now open to the public.  All orders are subject to board approval.
The Brodbeck family descendants are encouraged to purchase memorial bricks in memory or honor of family members.


All monies raised are to be used for administrative costs pertaining to the maintenance of and improvements to the cemetery, maintenance of the website, banking and accounting fees, as well as promoting  Jacob Brodbeck's accomplishments and preserving the family history.

All donations are tax deductible. PLEASE DONATE TODAY!

Click HERE for more information about the Brick Project.


© 2019 by Jacob and Christine Brodbeck Foundation

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