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On February 26, 2017, Brodbeck descendants invited Justice Ken Wise to visit

the cemetery. Judge Wise has a podcast about Texas history called

Wise About Texas. He recently featured Jacob Brodbeck on one:

 Episode 26, "Texas Takes Flight"

broadcast October 9, 2016, found at

L to R: Judge Ken Wise, Cindy Oestreich, Rod Oestreich, Reta Killingsworth (Hostess), Sherman Brodbeck, Dwight Brodbeck, and Wayne O'Bryant.


Reta Killingsworth deserves much of the credit for the progress on the cemetery. She has worked with determination to gain access from the landowner, apply for historic status, spearhead renovation efforts and keep everyone apprised of the progress.  

gravesite with rangers

Texas Rangers pay their respect to former member of their ranks.

gravesite with flowers

Gravesite with flags and flowers

Sherman Brodbeck and Austin Nelson

Two members of the cemetery committee. Sherman Brodbeck and Austin Nelson.

rangers gun salute

Texas Rangers end the ceremony with a 21-gun salute featuring musket and cannon fire.

Group picture

Group picture of Brodbeck family members in attendance.

On August 1, 2015 a Texas Ranger memorial cross was placed at the grave of George Brodbeck. Pictures from the ceremony are below:


Cemetery Improvements

Condition of the graves before work commenced.

Cemetary walkway

Walkway and bridge to the cemetery. Built in 2015 to improve access.

historical marker

Texas State Historical Marker for the cemetery

cemetery plaque

Brodbeck Family Cemetery Plaque

Cemetery sign

Cemetery sign

Austin and Jim

Austin Nelson and his uncle Jim Evans. Jim lead much of the construction efforts to finish on time.




Remains of a stone storage area. Uncle George was a stonemason.


Outhouse on the property


Stone wall

Image of Professor Brodbeck's Airship which had crashed at

Dr. Ferdinand Herff's place near Boerne, Texas.  It was in the

fall of 1865 when he had flown for potential financers.

© 2019 by Jacob and Christine Brodbeck Foundation

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